Title: Fate Author: Liberate Our Time (liberateourtime) Summary: Lincoln thinks that, maybe, this was how it is supposed to end. Rating: PG-13 (Character Death) Word Count: 162 Author's Note: Life!Flashes!Before!Youreye!Fic.
Title: Secrets Author: HalfshellVenus Category: Pope’s POV (drabble) Rating: PG Word Count: 205 Summary: A promise to forego is not a promise to forget.
Author's note: Slightly modified since original post.
Title: Infidelities Author: miss_mandy Challenge: Pictures Summary: Abruzzi has lots of pictures of his wife. Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 135 Author's Notes: I did things a little differently. Just thinking like a director again, please excuse that.
Title: Years Author: liberateourtime Challenge: Pictures Summary: Nick is just learning to read, but he recognizes his father's picture in the paper. Rating: PG Word Count: 110
Title: Incongruous Author: Aspen Snow Challenge: Pictures Summary: LJ has a picture of a man Rating: PG Word Count: 171 Author Notes: Takes place immediately after LJ's Mother is killed
Title: Lucky Author: almostforgiven Challenge: Pictures Summary: You keep a picture of her on your desk to remind you of who you are. Rating: G Word Count: 204 Author Notes: Eek. I suck at drabbles. :P I cannot write things short… oh well. I tried.
The prompt for this week is Pictures.We know Michael has a picture of Veronica, but what about the other prisoners? Does Abruzzi have photographs of his children? Did Lincoln have pictures of LJ, Lisa, and Veronica with him when he was in prison before? Remember to keep it under 500 words and use the template. You're still welcome to post non-
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